Monday, February 6, 2012

On Fashion

I wore a uniform for 12 years of my life, and they were 12 awesome years. They were both pretty standard Catholic school uniforms. My high school was fairly posh, so we had blazers, but other than that it was a lot of plaid and sweaters. Therefore, when I got to college, I had no idea how to dress myself. Really. I had a vague concept of jeans+sweater and little more than that. After four agonizing years, I've finally learned my style (note to self: it's not sk8r or boho or grunge jeans) and learned what looks acceptable. Unfortunately, when you're on a student budget, it's hard to stay current and fashionable. That's where designer-meets-high-street collections come in.

I've loved the Target designer collections since Paul & Joe joined their Go International group in 06. I'm not a huge Missoni groupie, so I didn't dive for that stuff, but when I found out about the Jason Wu set, I made a beeline. My style is borderline over-dressed for going to class, but I go to a pretty preppy school so it works. No one believes me, but I swear this is more comfortable than jeans would be! And a dress is your whole outfit. No need to get all matchy-matchy. It's done for you. And really, in my heart I'm still a Catholic school girl who doesn't want to think about what to wear in the morning, so it works out quite well.
Dress/Belt: Jason Wu for Target
Blazer: H&M
Boots: DSW

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