Sunday, February 5, 2012


So who watched the bowl today? I'm a sucker for Americana, and today is a prime example of the USA at its finest. As a Philadelphian (whoops, had I not told you guys yet? I'm bad at this anonymity thing), I hate both the Pats and the Giants, but I rooted for the Giants because we lost to the Patriots in 05. Honestly, I don't really follow football much. The Eagles haven't been good for a long time, and I'm more of a baseball kind of girl (13 days to pitchers and catchers!). I'm happy with how it went though. My friend once met Eli Manning and said he was the nicest guy in the sport, so good on him.
How did you guys celebrate? We had a low-key thing with just the fam and some friends since I worked all weekend and my sister and I had homework left. Pizza, chips, and lots of Diet Coke- what could be more American than that?

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