Saturday, December 17, 2011


The developmental bio final took 3 hours. I don't think I've ever taken a test that was 3 hours, uninterrupted, just writing. I hurt everywhere. Amazingly, it wasn't AS bad as I'd thought. Out of 170 pts, I was hesitant on about 25, but obviously I won't get zero points on those parts! So if I come away with a B, I'll "B" a happy camper (ha!)
Anyone have any fun break plans? I'm working nonstop for 2.5 weeks then I'm off to a sunny vacation :-)


  1. Nice You're finally free!!! well i graduated last Monday so i'm doing some serious job hunting but I'll be studying for the PTCB exam and my pcat so that should be fun :s other than that nothing else really....

  2. What kind of job are you hunting for? PTCB is no sweat if you can do arithmetic! PCAT on the other hand...I'm not too sure :-/ when do you take it?

  3. Well I graduated with a B.S in biology and the more I apply for jobs the more I see that I'm sort of limited in what I can actually do :( I have a whole year off so I figured since I'm applying for Pharm next summer I might as well find a job working in oharmacy... Assuming I pass and all goes well hopefully I can find a job at CVS/Walgree/Walmart uno the usuals...

    I haven't registered for the PTCB yet but I'm aiming for next month once I get the review book this week. I'm hoping about 4 weeks of studying is enough maybe 3... As for the PCAT I definitely know what you mean :/ but I'm doing Math and Verbal/Reading stuff first since I really don't want to do those... the science I think I got b/c I was studying like a mad woman over the summer so some stuff I remember...

    anyways I'm rambling lol so I'll stop there.. hope you are well and had a good weekend :-)
